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Media and engagement

I am often approached for comment by the media and am an avid op-ed writer. If you are a journalist working on issues related to my areas of expertise, do not hesitate to get in touch.


Liberal Debatt

Makten över diskursen: Hur Putins propaganda fungerar. [Power over discourse. How does Putin's propaganda machine work?]. March 1, 2022.

Dagens Nyheter

Så sprids falska nyheter om den svenska coronastrategin. [This is how inaccurate reporting about the Swedish Covid-19 strategy spreads in Europe]. April 23, 2020.

Denník N

Švédsky model boja s vírusom je doma populárny. Nejde o sociálny experiment. [The Swedish approach to battling the pandemic is popular at home. It is no social experiment]. March 27, 2020.

Svenska Dagbladet

Våga prova en koalition över blockgränsen. [Why not try out a coalition government across the blocks?]. April 6, 2018

Denník N

Prečo na Pride patria aj „vytočenci“ a „latexáci“. [Pride parade should be welcoming to all subcultures]. August 18, 2017.

Denník N

Premiér si želá koniec politickej korektnosti. Vie však, čo to znamená? [The Prime Minister wishes to see the end of ‘political correctness’. Does he know what this really means?]. December 15, 2016.

Denník N

Hovorme o terorizme, nie o „islamskom” terorizme. [Let’s speak of terrorism, not “muslim” terrorism]. November 25, 2016.

Denník N

Víťazstvo Trumpa môže byť to najlepšie, čo sa liberálnej demokracii za posledné štvrťstoročie prihodilo. [Trump’s victory might yet turn out to be an opportunity for liberal democracy]. November 11, 2016.


P1 Konflikt

Trump tar täten i kulturkriget mot transpersoner [Trump takes the lead in culture wars against trans people]. February 10, 2023.

P1 Morgon

Falska nyheter sprids om coronaviruset. [Inaccurate news are in circulation regarding the corona virus]. April 29, 2020.

Denník N

Ešte je skoro porovnávať, či švédsky model funguje horšie ako iné, hovorí politológ z Uppsaly. [It is too early to start comparing different approaches to battling the pandemic, says a political scientist from Uppsala]. April 27, 2020.

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